Northern Spain April 13 - 15th 🇪🇸

16 april 2022 - La Caridad, Spanje

...from Bretagne we drove on the 13th till Bayonne, just under the Spanish border... and believe me, some toll booth, were a pain, not due their pricing, but the systems and the bankcards weren't accepted by all of them.

Spain was the opposite in that aspect, pricing felt more symbolic... 

We took the Bilbao routing through the Pirineus up to the Astúrias, a very pleasant road, partially with seasight at the right side and mountains and landscapes on the left...

Nerea, was aware we were arriving, and texted us still being in Oviedo, an hour drive from their village La Caridad... so she gave us, the coordinates of where her boyfriend Pepe was working... a cosy village, with that Spanish ambience sitting outside on the tenths of terraces, doing their social lifestyle, with(out) their kids.

We entered this overlighted restaurant, with the smell of food entering our nostrils... bit first Pepe, which wasn't aware we would be coming... an hilarious moment, when he just walked out of the kitchen with 2 dishes... I said "Pepe!"... he turned around, stared for a split second and it couldn't be more Spanish when he said "coinõ!" 😂😂😂            We found the menu and stewed squit 🐙 was chosen easily... Zoë went for something called "Cachopo" and with her Capeverdean roots we imagined some "Cachupa" alike dish (Cape Verdean stew you should taste, if you come across, vega and meat version exists), but this dish was far from that... half the plate filled with breaded double sliced filleted meat, with ham and cheese in between... the so called "cordonblue"... brrrr...  is was far to much over the top to me, eating less red meat, still eating fish and chicken, but loving more the vegan variety in food.

 ...our friend PepeDinner time! 🍽  🐙

Delicious squid dish 🐙

We went for a parking spot for the night... and a well chosen one...

Morning (step)walk

Best place to park overnight!

Early morning our friends Nerea and Pepe arrived, with a pack of bread, croissants XXL and muffins... 

Breakfast with Nerea and Pepe

Croissants & Muffins

we spend a unforgettable day with them, reloaded energy, got to know each other so much better... they are just beautiful youngster's, with a life full of expectations and dreams ahead...

We'll see each other again! Lot's of Love and Good Vibes to you ❤✌🏼☮

Next stop: stop is showing

Santiago de Compostela, from there entering Portugal through the upper northside.

Have A Beautiful Weekend!

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1 Reactie

  1. Marius:
    18 april 2022
    Top, enjoy!!! 💯